Hello everyone, Welcome to my channel today I am building a “Robotic Arm’ with the help of the Arduino Uno and servo motor. So, the working of this robotics hand it very simple the 4 servo...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • Robot Arm with Controller

      The robot arm uses three conventional PWM servos, and each angle is controlled by a variable resistor. The rotary potentiometer used B curve 10k ohm. Two DS3115 servo motors were used in the vertical direction, and...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • DIY Robotic Arm for Raspberry Pi Hits Kickstarter

    SB Components has gone to Kickstarter to launch an open source hardware and software PiArm robotic arm kit aimed at the DIY maker and education markets. Specifically created for children, makers and those interested in learning more...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Exploring Creative Biology Experimentation with OpenLH Liquid-Handling System

    The OpenLH is based on the uArm Swift Pro open source robotic arm and allows creative exploration. The heart of the system is the Arduino Mega-controlled uArm Swift Pro robot, which is equipped with a custom end...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Gabriel2052: the Boyfriend of a New Era

    Can a robot replace a man? Fei Liu says absolutely! After a series of brief, ill-defined, and painful relationships in New York and Germany she started to develop her private robotic boyfriend. Gabriel2052 was born to satisfy...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Open Bionics: Creating Prosthetics Inspired by Superheroes

    Open Bionics is a UK-based start-up tech company. Its mission is to create affordable 3D printed prostheses. They are about 30 times cheaper than other prostheses on the market. They operate using sensors attached to the skin...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • How to Get Help From Your Desktop Lamp

    Nikodem Bartnik had a small problem. When soldering, he had to move his light around in order to properly see what he was working on. In order to avoid this constant interruption, he built a 3D-printed lamp capable of...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Turtle Rover: the World’s First Customizable Remote-Controlled Mobile Robot

    Turtle, the world’s first Earth rover, has launched on Kickstarter. Turtle has up to four hours of continuous driving and a Wi-Fi range up to 200 m/220 yd. The rover has open source hardware and software, a...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Aslan is the New Robotic Translator for Deaf People

    A group of engineers from the University of Antwerp in Belgium have put their skills towards good with the invention of a 3D printed humanoid robot that can translate speech into sign language: their project is called...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Pedro Petit Robot: 3D Printed Robotic Arm Fun and Safe to Learn

    If you are looking to learn more about robotics you may be interested in a new project which is being posted to the Hackaday website, detailing how to build a 3D printed open source robotic arm complete...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • This Open Source Garbage Collector Has a…Mission

    Plastic trash is a well-known problem, but the large, unsightly pieces of garbage aren’t the biggest problem. The smaller, broken-down bits of plastic are much more insidious, because they’re easily ingested by wildlife and not so easily...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Exoarm: a $100 Arduino-Powered Exoskeleton Arm

    Whether to enhance one’s abilities or to compensate for a loss of strength due to a variety of reasons, the idea of a robotic exoskeleton is an exciting prospect. Furthermore if you are able to create it...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • CHAP: Low-Cost Tele-Operated Mobile Manipulator

    The Cheap Arm Project (CHAP) began as an MSc project aimed at developing an affordable mobile robot arm system that could be used by wheelchair users to access daily objects at inaccessible heights or weights (the extreme case...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • 219 Design brings 3Dp, robotics and VR together

    219 Design brought the two technologies (VR and Robotics) together which is as amazing as it sounds. Their production of the robotic arm made by rapid prototyping and open-source electronics which can be controlled through VR hardware...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Build your own robotic arm out of cardboard

    From our Chairigami Maker Faire booth furniture to Google VR headsets, we’ve seen various use cases for cardboard. Added to that list is a robotic arm, courtesy of Uladz Mikula. According to the Maker, the design can be replicated in...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Braccio – DIY Tinkerkit Robotic arm Arduino controlled

    Unlock the unlimited possibilities of robotics with Braccio! You can assemble your Braccio in a multitude of ways. Arduino controlled robotic arm, in a tinkerkit that allows you to assemble it in different configuration, specifically thought for...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Maximo Desktop Robot Arm on Indiegogo

    Maximo is an Arduino driven 5-axis robotic arm with a laser cut acrylic body. The robot comes with Robotic Studio software to control the arm with a gamepad or play series of recorded steps to execute complex...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Maximo Robot Arm – your educational robotic arm!

      The Maximo Robot Arm is the greatest way to discover robotics. Accessible, fun and affordable, Maximo is designed for everyone. Maximo is our second generation of robotic arms. Three years ago, we created MandleBot, a 5-axis...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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