• Never lose your phone again

    Who has never left their phone in one place and realized too late that they have lost it? In this project we will look for a solution to the problem; whenever you are too far away from...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • How to emulate an Xbox controller with Arduino

    A very cool project you can do with an Arduino is to use it as a custom controller for your favorite games. Whether you’re adapting a Nerf gun or playing an FPS game, using an Arduino makes...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Automated overhead camera assistant

    Have you ever wished to have an extra pair of hands in the lab to handle the camera while you are focused on your project? In this article we will build an automated assistant camera, which can...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Door alarm system with Raspberry Pi

    In this project we will see how to use Home Assistant software to create an intrusion alarm system for your home. The system will basically detect if the door is opened without authorization and then send a...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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    We pick up the fascinating Nixie tubes through displays based on packages of laser-engraved plexiglass plates, illuminated by Neopixel LEDs. For those born in the era of solid-state displays, be they LED, 7-segment, dot-matrix, or even liquid...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Drill depth display with gyro sensor

    Most bench drills have a ruler to read the drilling depth. The greater the accuracy at which the desired position can be read, the greater the success of the job. In this project we see an alternative...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Open the door from your phone with a QR code!

    In this project we will see how to create an Arduino-based smart lock that can be unlocked from your mobile phone; we will therefore see how to generate a specific QR code, how to create an access...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Timer with relay and Arduino

    In this project we will see how to build a programmable countdown timer in the range of 1s – 9999s which can be used in domestic or industrial applications as well as by beginners to learn how...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Check if the fruit is ripe with Arduino!

    In this project we see how to build a device that detects maturation stages based on color with a neural network model. As fruits and vegetables ripen, they change color due to the four families of pigments:...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Cutting length measurement for circular saw

    If you have a circular saw you probably use a tape measure every time you want to cut a piece of wood and make pencil marks after you find the desired length. In this project we will...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • DIY Pulse Oximeter

    The oximeter is a tool that allows you to calculate the percentage of oxygen saturation in the blood based on the amount of light absorbed. It consists of a photodiode and two LEDs: a red LED and...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Long range autonomous boat

    This project was inspired by the vision of a real boat equipped with various sensors capable of measuring the depth of the seabed; we therefore thought of building an autonomous small-scale boat to perform the same tasks....

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Seismograph with Raspberry Pi

    In this project we will see how to build a professional quality seismograph, completely open source, based on Raspberry-Pi and able to record earthquakes or other seismic events, natural (rockfall, glacier movement) or artificial (train detection, detection...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • A glove that translates sign language into text

    The project was born with the purpose of helping the deaf community to communicate and interact easily with the surrounding environment. The goal is to convert the basic symbols representing the 26 letters of English alphabet and...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • “Listen to temperatures” with TinyML

    Can we “listen” a difference between pouring hot and cold water? As you see in the video you can do it, but why? It is mentioned that the change is due to complex fluid dynamics reasons. Beyond...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Wifi clock with Bluetooth speaker and spectrum analyzer

    In this project we see how to make a Bluetooth speaker with a clock. It displays date, time, temperature and humidity and it is updated from Internet at 15 minute intervals. It also has a 32-band audio...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • I2C car with Attiny85 and M5StickC controlled by Blynk

    In this project we see how to create an I2C system to control motors using a DigiSpark Attiny85 plus an Arduino shield. To test its operation we made a small RC car that uses an M5StickC and...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Laser anemometer

    In this project we will see how to make an anemometer (instrument for measuring wind speed and direction) using an Arduino Uno R3, two VL6180X laser distance modules and a section of tube made of plastic or...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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