• Terminus FE1.1 USB hub board: the solution to connect four USB devices

      Based on a single chip from Terminus, it allows you to connect four USB devices starting from a micro USB port; the form-factor is designed for pairing with Raspberry Pi Zero.   We all know what...

    • Posted 1 year ago
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  • Enviro+ Pi Hat for Indoors and Out Air Pollution Monitoring

    The Raspberry pi hat, called Enviro+, comes from Pimoroni, which is pitching the add-on as a cheap alternative to expensive environmental monitoring stations. With an additional particulate matter sensor, the Pi-based air-monitoring device can be placed just...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • FT1 Pi Zero Based Retro-Style Terminal

    John Kennedy has built a beautiful retro style terminal called FT1 which is equipped with a Raspberry Pi Zero sbc, a cheap LCD screen and usb keyboard. The maker has also provided complete instructions on how to...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • PocketPi: Raspberry Pi Pocket-Sized Computer

    PocketPi by  Ramin Assadollahi is powered by the Raspberry Pi Zero W and offers a fantastic truly portable DIY pocket PC. Measuring just 14 x 11 cm the portable Raspberry Pi pocket computer is powered by a...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • DIY a Raspberry Pi E Ink Magic Mirror

    Ben Roe has just revealed the instructions to create a DIY E Ink Magic Mirror. He developed a node.js script to run a local Magic Mirror site, then takes a screenshot of it to push to a...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • PassKeeper: Raspberry Pi Encrypted Password Storage Device

    The PassKeeper password storage system allows users to store a virtually unlimited number of passwords all securely encrypted and quickly accessible via a master password stored on the RFID Fob key. “The goal of the project is...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Etch-A-Snap: The Raspberry Pi Powered Etch-A-Sketch Camera

    Etch-A-Snap is the result of mashing together a Pocket Etch-A-Sketch, a Raspberry Pi Zero, and onboard camera module, a couple servo motors and a number of other goodies to create what is ‘probably’ the world’s first Etch...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Harry Potter-Approved Smart Home Assistant

    Adam Thole has made the most magical smart home upgrade you’ve ever seen, and one that’s not terribly difficult to build. Thole’s solution is the cheapest way to create something magic. His wands can be cheaply 3D-printed...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Spellbook: Raspberry Pi Powered Mini Laptop

    Designed to resemble a spell book the mini laptop built by Hackaday member Calvin Nemo was created using TinkerCAD 3D printed outer shell which houses the Raspberry Pi Zero mini PC and other components. The general idea...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Zobbie: Cute Hackable Pi Zero W Hexapod

    David Pride has taken a Tobbie robot toy and hacked it using some 3D-printed extra parts and a Raspberry Pi Zero. He’s used a ZeroBorg from PiBorg as the motor controller and then 3D-printed a replacement head to house...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Raspberry Pi Zero (W) Shield for Arduino

    BurgessWorld Custom Electronics has launched a new Raspberry Pi shield that allows you to combine in the same project the power of a Raspberry Pi Zero (W) SBC with the flexibility of Arduino. The Arduino-compatible shield is...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY a Raspberry Pi Zero Powered Chess Challenger

    This Raspberry Pi Zero powered retro themed Chess Challenger, is an open source hardware design capable of running an up to date open source chess engine, Stockfish. The original game was devised by Fidelity Electronics, and took...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Custom DDL for HD Video and Bidirectionl Telemetry

    Thanks to a Raspberry Pi and some open-source software you can create your custom DDL system that delivers HD video and telemetry using an Android phone as a display. An android app allows for just about any...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Sony PSP Comes Back To Life Thanks to a Raspberry Pi Zero

    If you have an old Sony PSP lying around gathering dust you may be interested in a new hack which fits the miniature Raspberry Pi Zero mini PC into the case of the Sony handheld games console....

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DVB-T2 TV Streaming HAT for Your Raspberry Pi

    Raspberry Pi Foundation has officially announced the Raspberry Pi TV Hat, with a Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) tuner that receives terrestrial TV signals, on sale now at $21.50. It lets you stream DVB-T2 and DVB-T video in the UK...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • PolaPi-Zero is a Polaroid-Inspired Raspberry Pi Camera

    Electronic technician and Raspberry Pi enthusiast Pierre Muth has unveiled a new Raspberry Pi Polaroid camera he has created in the form of the PolaPi-Zero, which uses a thermal printer to provide instant hardcopies of your photographs. The...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • 8BitRobots is a Raspberry Pi Module for Generic Robotic Brain

    Software engineer Tim Wilkinson has made the process of constructing robots easier with his 8BitRobots module — a standard hardware and software platform that works with basic robot functions. The 8BitRobots Modules are made up of a few components,...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Pipod: Raspberry Pi Zero Portable Music Player

    The PiPod is an open source portable music player based on the $5 Raspberry Pi Zero. It uses this affordable single-board computer to run Linux-based software including VLC (which handles media playback) and a custom user interface...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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