• CanLite: the board to hack the car’s Can Bus network

    Voltlog is hacking his car console through the CAN bus. According to the author, for his projects, the available CAN bus interface cards are somewhat lacking. So he designed his own wireless CAN bus hacking and development...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • Affordable Watch Winder Takes Care of Your Self-Winding Watch

    If you wear a self-winding watch, I’m sure you’re aware that watch winders are generally very expensive, or cheap and noisy. So Kristopher Marciniak decided to hack an inexpensive winder replacing the stock motor with a stepper,...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • The Amiga500 Comes Back to Life

    Once upon a time an all-in-one console-style cased machine that maybe wasn’t quite the computing powerhouse you might have wished it to be, but gave you enough of the capabilities of the more accomplished 16-bit machines of...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Windows 10 Running On A Raspberry Pi 3…Will It Work?

    Dutch developer Bas Timmer  revealed images of his Raspberry Pi 3 running Windows 10 just few days ago. We are not talking about the cutdown Internet of Things version of the Windows 10 operating system, but the full version...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Arduino Powered PCB UV Exposure “Tool”

    “Plenty of DIY PCB UV exposure tool building posts are available on the internet with total different approaches. I also designed my own, to fulfill my needs: it should be relative small and portable and the hacking/modding...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Don’t forget to apply for 3Drag Contest RELAUNCHED

    As you may have noticed, we relaunched our 3Drag contest earlier in july: To encourage the participation of as many people as possible, we decided to raffle three prestigious rewards. A winner for each category will be...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • 3D Hubs
    Register you 3Drag on 3Hubs (plus a bonus interview)

    Do you follow the work at 3DHubs? You should. This amazing dutch born startup is building a worldwide, peer to peer network of affiliated 3Dprinter owners that can help you print wherever your are. Since few weeks,...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • A 3D Printed Modular Time-Lapse Control System on Instructabe

    A really amazing project we noticed on instructables: so interesting for people dealing with photography and … hacking! See: Ultralight, 3D Printed, 3-Axis, Modular Time-Lapse Motion Control System.

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • 3Drag z-axis motor holder
    3Drag K8200: the most amazing Mods and Hacks

    Some weeks ago we launched our contest to see what you can do with a 3Drag printer and some results to achieve. With this post, we are showcasing you some cool stuff made by 3Drag fans: you...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Raspberry Radio
    Raspberry Pi as an Audio/Media Center: the best Linux distros

    Probably, the best use you could do with a Raspberry Pi would be turning it in a full-fledged media center. With some tuning, a Raspberry Pi can become indeed a device that audiophiles will love, or a...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Hacking 2 DVD RW writers: here’s engravR (RPi Laser Engraver)

    Hacking 2 DVD RW writers and creating a Laser Engraver from it. Awesome: Note: If you don’t particularly care about the technical aspects of the project, skip to 13:45 to see the engraver in action! My code...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Arduino Yun
    Arduino Yún: the best hacks you will ever see

    The last time I wrote about the best hacks available for a board, I had so much to choice between; now instead, writing about Arduino Yún and all of its best hacks, it was difficult to me...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • An OpenSource powered Bitcoin ATM thanks to openPicus Flyport

    Our friends at Openpicus just powered a super fast hack to create an Open Source Hardware powered ATM for Bitcoin! First in Italy. How it works? A banknote reader engine had to be interfaced to Flyport. The problem...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Using home printers to print circuit boards!

    Pretty great hacking approach in this project that seeks to hack a normal printer and make it able to print circuits! AgIC transforms a home printer into a circuit board manufacturing equipment. The fastest and cheapest way...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Raspberry Pi
    Raspberry Pi: giant hacks for a tiny board

    Usually there are two ways to look forward to buy a Raspberry Pi: first, think about a strange thing to make, and then go to the website; or second, buy the Raspberry Pi board having no idea...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Kano: An (educational) computer anyone can make is on Kickstarter

    We love educational projects and Kano embodies most of the things we love: it’s based on Open source (Raspberry PI + Open Source code) and it’s targeted to kids to increase their willingness to be interested in...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Domestic Science Machines: hacking kitchen tools into Medical Devices

    How to hack domestic, kitchen tools  and transform it into Medical Devices: via Domestic Science Machines. Inspired by hacked laboratory equipment “Domestic Science Machines” are a collection of devices that combine the regular use of home appliances with a scientific...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Seeed Studio’s Arduino Phone

    Make recently published a link to this amazing project from Seedstudio :) What do you get when you add a touchscreen shield and a GPRS shield to an Arduino Uno? A phone! Seeed Studio created a Arduino phone intstructable to help you put...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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