- How to Adjust X and Y Axis Scale in Arduino Serial Plotter (No Extra Software Needed)Posted 2 months ago
- Elettronici Entusiasti: Inspiring Makers at Maker Faire Rome 2024Posted 2 months ago
- makeITcircular 2024 content launched – Part of Maker Faire Rome 2024Posted 5 months ago
- Application For Maker Faire Rome 2024: Deadline June 20thPosted 6 months ago
- Building a 3D Digital Clock with ArduinoPosted 11 months ago
- Creating a controller for Minecraft with realistic body movements using ArduinoPosted 12 months ago
- Snowflake with ArduinoPosted 12 months ago
- Holographic Christmas TreePosted 1 year ago
- Segstick: Build Your Own Self-Balancing Vehicle in Just 2 Days with ArduinoPosted 1 year ago
- ZSWatch: An Open-Source Smartwatch Project Based on the Zephyr Operating SystemPosted 1 year ago
A floor that changes shape for VR
Virtual reality technology has come a long way over the past decade, but there are still some things that could be done to make it even more interactive and engaging. What if virtual reality users could actually...
- Posted 3 years ago
Atmos XR WebVR-capable Headset: 3D Printable, Modular and Open Source
Hardware and software makers behind the Atmos headset want to provide improved accessibility with an open ecosystem, and they aims to do it with a WebVR-capable headset design that is self-contained, 3D-printable, and open-sourced. Their immediate goal...
- Posted 5 years ago
DIY Relativty Open Source VR Headset
Relativty is an open source affordable SteamVR-compatible headset that can be made for around $100. The Relativty VR headset uses a 3D printed frame to house a 2560 x 1440 LCD screen, together with a pair of...
- Posted 6 years ago
NeoSensory and High Fidelity Bring VR to the Next Level
High Fidelity, maker of an open source platform for social VR, and NeoSensory, creators of hardware to extend the human senses, announced they’ve partnered to create a haptic jacket dubbed the ‘exoskin’. Composed of 32 sensory motors, the...
- Posted 7 years ago
DIY Your VR Headset
“I started programming when I was 13, thanks to Sensei when he created a robotics club. On the first day we were 12 students, the next week we were 3 – yep, you guessed it, the other...
- Posted 7 years ago
Paytm launches ‘Build for India’ initiative to promote open-source projects
Paytm announced the launch of its ‘Indian Open Source Project Incubator’, where professionals and students can build open source-based solutions, and share these projects with the global developer community. Deepak Abbot, Senior Vice President at Paytm, said:...
- Posted 7 years ago
Acumos: the AI Open Source Platform
AT&T wants to make artificial intelligence accessible to everyone. To that end, they’re collaborating with Tech Mahindra to build an open source artificial intelligence platform, Acumos, hosted by The Linux Foundation that makes it easy to build, share and deploy AI...
- Posted 7 years ago
Programmable Board for 3D Gesture Control, Motion Capturing, Tracking and Robotics
THE TACTIGON is a portable and wearable device with 3D motion sensors on board. You can use the board for different applications like human machine interaction, virtual reality and motion tracking. THE TACTIGON board uses IMU sensors....
- Posted 7 years ago
219 Design brings 3Dp, robotics and VR together
219 Design brought the two technologies (VR and Robotics) together which is as amazing as it sounds. Their production of the robotic arm made by rapid prototyping and open-source electronics which can be controlled through VR hardware...
- Posted 8 years ago
Virtual Reality App from 219 Design Simplifies the Programming of Robots
While robots may make complicated tasks look easy, programming a robot is anything but – particularly when you’re talking about large, complex industrial robots whirring away in factories. But with a new app developed by product engineering...
- Posted 8 years ago
Virtual reality could help fight depression
A study by University College London (UCL) and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) suggests virtual reality could be utilized as a treatment for depression in the future. The pilot study worked with 15...
- Posted 8 years ago
Siemens, Local Motors partner for large scale 3D printed car development
The automotive industry, after VW DieselGate, Tesla, OSVehicles and this initiative as well, is living a real revolution. The industry 4.0 principles are the pivot point of many innovations in this area, too traditional for so long...
- Posted 9 years ago
Facebook Has Designed A 360-Degree Camera For The Open Source Community
Facebook announced the Surround 360 camera at its F8 developers conference–a camera that will not be available commercially, but is just a design open for anyone to build or modify. The hardware is also coupled with custom...
- Posted 9 years ago
Oculus Rift release date, features and price: pre-orders now open and final price revealed
The Rift headset isn’t cheap, though, setting back would-be pre-orderers a tasty $599 (~£410). That doesn’t include US tax, nor shipping – which will be considerable for global orders. However, for that money you bag yourself the...
- Posted 9 years ago
How “open” is the future of PC virtual reality?
A popular reddit thread over the weekend has brought to the surface a long-roiling, behind-the-scenes debate about the future of the nascent virtual reality revival. The questions being debated get into what exactly it means for a...
- Posted 9 years ago
Razer’s open source virtual reality project now supports Android devices
Razer’s open source virtual reality project will support Android, which opens up the future of this mind-altering world to multiple devices. Along with this change to version 1.2 of Razer’s “Hacker Development Kit,” the team will also...
- Posted 9 years ago
Oculus Rift Release Date Unlikely in 2015
Virtual reality headsets look like they will be the next battleground for the console wars: Facebook purchased Oculus Rift, Microsoft has Hololens, Sony is developing Morpheus and Valve recently announced a partnership with HTC to create Vive....
- Posted 10 years ago
OSVR – The Open-Source Virtual Reality for Gaming – is making progress
OSVR is “built from the ground up to bring the best Virtual Reality gaming experience”. According to the founders OSVR “is the one platform where all aspects of the industry – input devices, games, and output –...
- Posted 10 years ago