• Send Receive SMS/Call with SIM800L GSM Module and Arduino

    Whether you want to listen to what happens in your house that’s miles away from you or activate sprinkler system in your garden just with a silent call; Then SIM800L GSM/GPRS module serves as a solid launching...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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      In the previous episode, we have described the library and the functions made available by it. Now we will introduce a series of sketches through which you will see in practice how the library works and...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • UNIVERSAL GSM SHIELD – The GSM library for Arduino

      Let’s discover a useful library to manage various low-cost GSM/GPRS modules, in order to provide cellular connectivity to our Arduino projects. Second part. In the previous episode, we introduced the shield hardware and exposed the technical...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • UNIVERSAL GSM SHIELD – The hardware

      It supports various low-cost GSM/GPRS modules in order to provide cellular connectivity to our Arduino projects. First part.   Given the growing demand for electronic equipment with connection to the GSM/GPRS network, we decided to develop...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • OpenStore: Module GSM/GPRS Enfora with 69% discount

    GSM0308-11 is an Enfora Enabler IIIG Quad-Band GSM/GPRS module with B2B RF connector and SIM holder. The Enfora Enabler IIIG is a fully certified quad-band OEM module family that packs complete GSM/GPRS functionality into a compact footprint....

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • New $10 Orange Pi 2G-IoT

    The new Orange Pi 2G-IoT features a 2G antenna for Internet of Things applications, as well as offering wireless LAN and Bluetooth for a price of $10. The Orange Pi 2G-IoT goes up against the recently released Raspberry...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Mercury IoT System, Soon Available on Open-Electronics!

    Open Electronics is working with our friend Francesco Ficili  to work out a new modular development system for IoT application: the Mercury System, soon available on our store. It is a modular HW/SW development platform composed by: A...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Top 5 Wireless Ways to Communicate with your Controller

    One of the strongest trend we have seen this year at CES2015 is, as you can imagine easily, the IoT (Internet of Things) development. Consequently, the most important component needed is the “connection and communication” module that...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • TiDiGino: remote control based on Arduino increases the performance

    We’ll show you today how, with just a few modifications, we can apply the GSM/GPS shield management library to the Arduino compliant TiDiGino open source remote control, so you can manage optimally the capabilities of the SIM900...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Using The Raspberry Pi GSM Shield with TTY “CuteCom” extension

    A few days ago we showed you how to use the Raspberry GSM shield using the arduPi library created ​​by Libelium and ​​available under the GNU General Public License that you can download from Cooking Hacks. Now...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • A GSM/GPRS & GPS Expansion Shield for Raspberry Pi

    Today we present an expansion shield for Raspberry Pi to control the very effective GSM/GPRS SIM900 and SIM908 (with GPS) modules: in this way it is possible to extend the functionality of Raspberry Pi for mobile applications...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • How to use GPS functions with GSM/GPRS & GPS shield

    Once again we have prepared some examples related to the GSM/GPRS & GPS shield. In previous posts we have seen how to handle SMS, make calls and use the GPRS connection to send email  or download data...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • The GSM/GPRS & GPS Shield: some Http connections examples

    After having shown several examples regarding the use the  GSM/GPRS & GPS shield with calls and text messages we are now going to present some applications that involve GPRS data. Thanks to the inet.h class the shield...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • How to send and receive SMS with GSM/GPRS & GPS shield

      This post is one in a series showing you the main features of the GSM /GPRS/GPS shield and of its related library. The examples are great to have inspiration and reuse the material to create your...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Using the GSM/GPRS & GPS Shield: call examples

    A few months ago, we presented a powerful shield that can enable devices from the Arduino family (Uno and Mega) to interface with the SIMCOM modules SIM900 and SIM908. Such modules provide integration with the world of...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Using GSM module to remotely control a green wall

    We’re a Finnish start-up company which specializes in active green walls which can purify air 100x better than traditional green walls. Few years ago we were in a need for easy way to get our green walls...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • IKEA SMS lamp with GSM shield

          We create a lamp controlled by SMS using a GSM shield, a RGB shield and a Arduino UNO. Due to the simplicity of these boards, simply plug one over the...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • GSM GPS shield for Arduino

    Shield for Arduino designed and based on the module GSM/GPRS SIM900 or the GSM/GPRS & GPS module SIM908, to make calls, voice and data connections via GPRS.     HARDWARE INNOVATIONS This new version (old Arduino GSM...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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