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IKEA SMS lamp with GSM shield
[iframe_loader src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/jtB6e36J7w4?hl=it&fs=1″ height=”349″ width=”425″ ]
We create a lamp controlled by SMS using a GSM shield, a RGB shield and a Arduino UNO.
Due to the simplicity of these boards, simply plug one over the other and connect a strip led to have a lighting effect.
Then sending normal text messages from any phone, you can turn on and choose the color to set.
The scketch check the text of the received message, if the SMS contains a character, it follows on the corresponding color.
It ‘also provided a fader functions can be called with the character F
This is the list commands:
R to set RED
G to set GREEN
B to set BLUE
Y to set YELLOW
O to set ORANGE
P to set PURPLE
W to set WHITE
F to set the fader function
This is just an example of the possible applications of the GSM / GPRS shield.
You can for example control the home lighting with a simple text message, or receive an SMS in case of alarm.
In addition, the SIM900 has the capacity to also decode DTMF tones, so you can call this in the sim GSM shield and switch loads directly from the telephone keypad.
The complete library it contains many other functions through which you can make calls, connect to the Internet, send and receive SMS.
This is the simple firmware in Arduino.
//GSM Shield for Arduino //www.open-electronics.org //this code is based on the example of Arduino Labs #include "SIM900.h" #include "sms.h" #include "SoftwareSerial.h" #include "sms.h" SMSGSM sms; int red = 10; // RED LED connected to PWM pin 3 int green = 5; // GREEN LED connected to PWM pin 5 int blue = 6; // BLUE LED connected to PWM pin 6 int r=50; int g=100; int b=150; int rup; int gup; int bup; boolean started=false; char smsbuffer[160]; char n[20]; int fader=1; int inc=10; void setup() { //Serial connection. Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("GSM Shield testing."); //Start configuration of shield with baudrate. if (gsm.begin(2400)){ Serial.println("\nstatus=READY"); started=true; } else Serial.println("\nstatus=IDLE"); if(started){ delsms(); } }; void loop() { int pos=0; //Serial.println("Loop"); if(started){ pos=sms.IsSMSPresent(SMS_ALL); if(pos){ Serial.println("IsSMSPresent at pos "); Serial.println(pos); sms.GetSMS(pos,n,smsbuffer,100); Serial.println(n); Serial.println(smsbuffer); if(!strcmp(smsbuffer,"R")){ Serial.println("RED"); r=255; g=0; b=0; } if(!strcmp(smsbuffer,"G")){ Serial.println("GREEN"); r=0; g=255; b=0; } if(!strcmp(smsbuffer,"B")){ Serial.println("BLUE"); r=0; g=0; b=255; } if(!strcmp(smsbuffer,"P")){ Serial.println("PURPLE"); r=255; g=0; b=255; } if(!strcmp(smsbuffer,"Y")){ Serial.println("YELLOW"); r=255; g=255; b=0; } if(!strcmp(smsbuffer,"O")){ Serial.println("ORANGE"); r=255; g=165; b=0; } if(!strcmp(smsbuffer,"W")){ Serial.println("WHITE"); r=255; g=255; b=255; } if(!strcmp(smsbuffer,"F")){ Serial.println("FADER"); fader=1; r=50; g=100; b=150; } else { fader=0; } rgb(r, g, b); delsms(); } if(fader){ funcfader(); } } }; void delsms(){ Serial.println("delsms"); for (int i=0; i<10; i++){ //do it max 10 times int pos=sms.IsSMSPresent(SMS_ALL); if (pos!=0){ Serial.print("\nFind SMS at the pos "); Serial.println(pos); if (sms.DeleteSMS(pos)==1){ Serial.print("\nDeleted SMS at the pos "); Serial.println(pos); } else { Serial.print("\nCant del SMS at the pos "); Serial.println(pos); } } } } void funcfader(){ if (rup==1){r+=1;} else{r-=1;} if (r>=255){rup=0;} if (r<=0){rup=1;} if (gup==1){g+=1;} else{g-=1;} if (g>=255){gup=0;} if (g<=0){gup=1;} if (bup==1){b+=1;} else{b-=1;} if (b>=255){bup=0;} if (b<=0){bup=1;} rgb(r, g, b); } void rgb(int r, int g, int b) {
if (r>255) r=255; if (g>255) g=255; if (b>255) b=255; if (r<0) r=0; if (g<0) g=0; if (b<0) b=0; analogWrite(red, r); analogWrite(green, g); analogWrite(blue, b); }
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