• Glowing Air-Bubble Clock in Water

    In this project we will see how a clock was created that displays the numbers through air bubbles inside tubes. The system consists of an ESP8266 which, through an I / O Expander MC2301, controls the solenoids...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Wifi clock with Bluetooth speaker and spectrum analyzer

    In this project we see how to make a Bluetooth speaker with a clock. It displays date, time, temperature and humidity and it is updated from Internet at 15 minute intervals. It also has a 32-band audio...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Build an alarm clock that asks questions!

    Do you usually have trouble getting up? You set a dozen alarms in the morning, but still can’t wake up? In this project we will try to solve the problem in an alternative and quite creative way...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • “REMIND-INO” Vintage Alarm to Remind Stuff for the Elderly

    We all know at least one elderly person. Maybe a family member or friend. As they get older, many of them begin to forget things, some as important as taking their medicines. We could be reminding them...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • Make a POV clock

    In this project we will explain how to make a POV clock in an easy way. POV stands for persistence of vision. It is a kind of optical illusion in which a visual image seems to persist...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • A mechanical clock that tells time using 114 steel balls

    Eric Nguyen has come up with a rather unique way of showing hours and minutes: steel balls arranged as seven-segment displays. Every minute, the face rotates down and a series of 28 servos capture and release the...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • Digital clock with 24 Arduino Nano

    3D-printed clock with 24 analog faces that combine to form a single digital display. The overall device is controlled by a single Arduino Nano, which keeps track of the time using a RTC module. This unit coordinates...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • DIY Digital Clock Using ATmega328p, RTC DS3231 and Seven Segment Displays

      This is an user friendly tiny digital table clock where user can access all basic functions of clocks including setting alarms, viewing temperature, viewing date, setting date and time, etc. It has a buzzer for alarm...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Mesmerizing Magnetic Wall Clock

      Mechanical clocks have always fascinated me. The way all of the internal gears, springs, and escapements work together to result in a constant reliable timepiece has always seemed out of reach for my limited skill set....

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • A GPS clock using a 12-NeoPixel ring

    An Arduino-based GPS clock using a microcontroller with a gps attachment and a 12-neopixel ring. I based this project on Adafruit’s awesome Neopixel watch. This project uses an Arduino-friendly microcontroller (the smaller, the better – I used...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • “glixie” Puts a New Spin on Glow-in-the-dark Displays

      For as many projects as we see using Nixie tubes in new and unusual ways, there’s a smaller but often very interesting cohort of displays that fit into the “Nixie-like” category. These are projects where something...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Build a Nano-based binary Nixie clock with 18 IN-2 tubes

      Nixie tubes are, of course, an elegant display method from a more civilized age, but actually powering and controlling them can be a challenge. This can mean a great project and learning opportunity, but if you’d...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Inside the digital clock from a Soyuz spacecraft

      We recently obtained a clock that flew on a Soyuz space mission.1 The clock, manufactured in 1984, contains over 100 integrated circuits on ten circuit boards. Why is the clock so complicated? In this blog post,...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • An Open Source Frequency Meter and clock generator

      On the hardware of the controller board LED Matrix, by taking advantage of the reconfigurability of the onboard FPGA, we can build a bivalent tool that is extremely useful to have on our work bench. If...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY a Raspberry Pi Clock and Temperature Monitor

    Raspberry Pi enthusiasts searching for a quick project to keep them busy this weekend may be interested in the new Raspberry Pi Zero clock and temperature gauge which has been created by Hackster.io member Jeremiah Mattison. He has Kindly...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Arduino round Word clock

    Interesting project to take inspiration by, a word clock featuring Arduino to control the “minute words”! As I was making a word clock, based on another instructable ( http://www.instructables.com/id/My-Arduino-WordClock/ ), me and my sister were wondering whether...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • A RTC SHIELD for Arduino and Raspberry Pi, second part

      Let’s see how to use this shield along with Raspberry Pi, by means of a dedicated library.   In the last installment we gave readers description of a new RTCC shield, based on the MCP79410 integrated...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • A RTC SHIELD for Arduino and Raspberry Pi

      Let’s use a new Real Time Clock by Microchip, by making it available on a shield for two prototyping boards. First Installment.   Many applications require an hourly information, that is locally obtained by means of...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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