• 3D Printed Raspberry Pi Powered Pikon Telescope

    The maker Mika Yeap has created a new telescope project combining 3D printed parts, a telescope tube and the Raspberry Pi board. The PiKon is a ‘astro-cam’ telescope powered by a small Raspberry Pi mini PC capable...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • DIY an Arduino-Controlled Robotic Snake

    Will Donaldson recently released a full instructable to build two different 3d printed robotic snakes: the first is a single axis while the second is a double axis snake. “This instructable is technically a 2-in-1, in that...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • We all build a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine

    If you’d like to check out your pool or a lake without getting wet, this underwater ROV looks like a great solution. “My goal was to have it not cost a fortune, have it easy to drive,...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY a Cool 3D Printed Weather/Matrix Lamp

    If you are searching for an accurate and cool weather station, I have what you need! The lamp, which integrates an LED matrix controlled by a Raspberry Pi, is programmed to show the temperature through a vertical...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY 6WD All Terrain Robot

    “I decided to build a bigger robot that will easily overcome various obstacles on its way and will be able to move with a load of at least a dozen kilos. I also assumed that the robot...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • How To Manipulate Time with This Magic Arduino Led Glove

    Probably time manipulation is an attractive target for everyone. This project certainly makes it appear that way. YouTuber MadGyver’s glove uses a gigantic LED controlled by an Arduino Nano to allow objects such as a fan, water falling from a shower,...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • DIY a Full-Size 3D Printed Humanoid Robot

    John Choi, founder of advanced robotics startup Choitek and Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science and Arts major, recently released a nearly 100-page Instructable on how to build a full-size, 3D printed humanoid robot that he’s dubbed ASPIR, for Autonomous Support and Positive Inspiration...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • DIY $60 Google Glass-Like Headset

    Instructables author Daniel Quintana loves mountain biking, but after having to interrupt a ride to continuously check the time, he did what any normal maker would do in this situation: he created his own Google Glass-like headset...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • 3D Printed Arduino Aperture Science Sentry Turret

    Fans of Valve’s innovative and unique video game series Portal should check out a recent Instructables page published by a user called Stephen Gioiosa. As part of a maker course at the University of Florida, the Portal enthusiast 3D printed a...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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