DIY $60 Google Glass-Like Headset

By on August 17, 2017
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Instructables author Daniel Quintana loves mountain biking, but after having to interrupt a ride to continuously check the time, he did what any normal maker would do in this situation: he created his own Google Glass-like headset from scratch.

His creation, called Uware, takes the form of a 3D-printed enclosure with a tiny 0.49″ OLED screen stuffed inside, along with an HC-06 Bluetooth module, an APDS-9960 gesture sensor, a 3.7V battery, and of course, a tiny Arduino Pro Mini for control.

In normal usage, the wearable displays the time and text messages transmitted from Quintana’s phone over Bluetooth via a custom app that he wrote. Swiping right in front of the gesture sensor puts it into camera mode, allowing him to capture the environment hands-free!

I almost forgot one of the main features of this project: Daniel Quintana is only 15 years old.

Click here for all informations related to this project.

About Luca Ruggeri

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