• Non-contact Switch for Public Water Dispenser – Arduino

      https://youtu.be/IXAx29LAVCs   Maintaining hand hygiene and washing hands are the most important personal hygiene measures to prevent the new coronavirus. In daily life, we inevitably touch various public facilities, such as the switch of the company’s...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Bticino/Legrand’s domotic with Netatmo Drivia at CES2020

      Electrical experts, Legrand, are bringing HomeKit to your home’s electrical panel with the introduction of the Drivia Smart Electrical Panel system in partnership with Netatmo. Yep, you read that right, this HomeKit accessory installs directly into your circuit breaker...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Adafruit introduced Feather Express

      Recently Adafruit introduced the STM32F405 Feather Express. Mounting an STMicroelectronics STM32F405 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 processor running at 168MHz, 1MB of flash memory, a 2MB SPI flash module. It also features an onboard NeoPixel indicator and a...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Project Fin: an industrial carrier board for Raspberry Pi CM3 Lite

    Resin.io, the company behind the Linux/Javascript-based Resin.io IoT framework has announced its first hardware product. Project Fin carrier board expands upon the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 Lite to support fleet operations. Resin.io developed Project Fin for its many...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Hardware startups and products: founder tips making hardware less hard

    Hardware startups are now beginning to enjoy the type of attention that their software counterparts have enjoyed. “The decreasing cost of prototyping is lowering the barriers to entry and making it more feasible to develop a physical...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Adding Internet connectivity to Arduino boards and apps with the YUN Shield

    What if we have already developed an Arduino application and we want internet connectivity for it? Yun shield is the answer.   Yun shield provides Internet connectivity for all Arduino boards. It features the same connectivity functions...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Father and Son wish you a Maker Christmas and a Hacker new year (in Dancing LEDs)

    OMG. This project needs to be backed even only for the AMAZING song this father and son put together. Can’t miss. Bluetooth hackable Christmas lights. Hassle-free setup and easy-to-use smart phone app. Any light, any color, any...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Opensource.com releases Open hardware resources

    The team at OpenSource.com did a great job lately on getting more in deep with Open Source hardware: We’ve been banging around for a few months in our workshop, toiling away at our latest creation: What is open...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • OpenDesk – Open Furniture seeks for Crowd Investors

    OpenDesk, the british Open Design portal for distributed furniture manufacturing is doing equity crowdfunding. This really seems a great choice as it shows that the collective behind the project really wants to walk the talk and include more...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Raspberry Pi Compute Module
    Raspberry Pi Compute Module: bring the taste of a raspberry to your own PCB

    I am not an enthusiast of Raspberry Pi, for a bunch of reasons: indeed I believe that we can find on the actual market so many boards that would make a Raspberry Pi blush in a confrontation...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Open Hardware Summit
    Open Hardware Summit 2014 Rome: From Making Open to Open Manufacturing

    It’s already several years that we talk about open source software, as a winning approach. By now, even the most conservative CTO, or the slowest public organizations agreed to give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s: open...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Freescale announces WaRPboard.org a wannabe Wearable Reference Platform

    At recent CES, Freescale announced Warp Board, a new open source hardware wannabe reference platform for wearable: take a look at the page! It’s based on Android! The WaRPboard implements a hybrid architecture to address the evolving...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Italian Open Source Car OsVehicle featured on BusinessWeek – VIDEO

    Italian Open Source Vehicle Tabby got showcased on Businessweek earlier this month. Remember there’s an upcoming interview with the guys! Tabby is the car that can be assembled by customers intheir own garage, in less than one...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • European Economic and Social Committee calls for ending Planned Obsolescence

    Nowadays, obsolescence brings little if any advantage in terms of jobs. “Most of these products are manufactured outside Europe, by underpaid workers,” points out Mr Haber, who is the opinion’s co-rapporteur and a member of the EESC’s...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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