• AvoRipe – Check your Avocado’s Ripeness

      It happened to everyone, you buy an avocado, it’s not ripe yet. A few days pass by, and by the time it’s ripe you have forgotten about it… and in a few days, it may go...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Simple DIY Weather Station w/ Raspberry Pi

      Do you ever suddenly get the chills, so you check the temperature inside your room to make sure you’re not paranoid but then realize you don’t have any way to check? Or when the weather station’s...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Home Automation and Monitoring (Powered by RSL10 and Alexa)

        In this project, I am going to show how I made Alexa enabled home monitoring and controlling system using RSL10 Sense Development Board from ON Semiconductor. RSL10 is used to sense the environmental parameters (temperature,...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • MQTT Communication With the Nano 33 IoT & WeMos D1 Boards

    https://youtu.be/lK4v-6xzSEA This post will tell you everything you need to know about MQTT communication which will enable you to use it communicate between devices. We add an LED to the Arduino Nano 33 IoT board and this...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Pop light – Raspberry pi WPA

      Today I was finally able to get my raspberry pi configured as a wireless access point and DHCP router. Now The pi will serve out a network for the devices and run the broker for the...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Smart-Doorbell

    https://youtu.be/kSxJwWPEe6g This is a doorbell with smart functions. It does sound like a regular doorbell when you press the button, but it also starts a livestream and sends a message via WebHook on Slack. We made this...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • HealthSphere

      Our heart beats 115200 times a day, it is such a fine machine that does not stop during our lives. However, not many people have the advantage to have this machine in good conditions. Many factors...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Data Logging Zero to Hero with CircuitPython and MQTT

      Using Python and open source software we publish data from a sensor over MQTT, persist the data and visualise it in real-time. More info Buy Raspberry Pi and Fishino boards from our store!

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Anavi Open Source ESP8266-Powered Thermometer Dev Board

    Anavi Technology has this month launched a new product via the Crowd Supply in the form of the ANAVI Thermometer, an ESP8266-powered, open source, wireless dev board equipped with temperature and humidity sensors, so it can act...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • What’s the weather like in IoL City?

    Against any racial discrimination, I think that Lego City citizens have a right to know the weather. In the quest for a true “Internet of Things” solution, a Cactus Micro Rev2 – Arduino with an ESP8266 WiFi module...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Arduino multi-device M2M Networks with Temboo

    Is there a cool Internet of Things idea that you’ve wanted to try out with your Arduino, but just haven’t had time for? Building a network that integrates multiple sensors and boards into one cohesive application can...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • OpenPicus releases a MQTT library for Flyport

    Our friends at OpenPicus, the Open Source system on module targeted to professional users, just released an Open Source MQTT library: MQTT allows you to create real time Cloud-to-real-world applications in a breeze. There are tons of...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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