What’s the weather like in IoL City?

By on February 7, 2017
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Against any racial discrimination, I think that Lego City citizens have a right to know the weather.

In the quest for a true “Internet of Things” solution, a Cactus Micro Rev2 – Arduino with an ESP8266 WiFi module built-in is perfect for the scope. This is a huge time and space saver, costs only a few dollars and is perfect for small sensor projects.

Here the whole project and the required components to help your population’s life in LEGO City:

  •  Microcontroller
    • Cactus Micro Rev2 – Arduino w/ ESP8266 WiFi built-in
  • Display
    • LCD 16×2
  • Sensors
    • DHT11- Humidity and Temperature
    • Photoresistor – Light
  • Messaging
    • MQTT
    • Mosca – MQTT broker
  • Data Storage
    • MongoDB
  • Data Analysis
    • Google Chart
  • Programming
    • Arduino Sketch (C++)
    • Node-RED

About Luca Ruggeri

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