Anavi Open Source ESP8266-Powered Thermometer Dev Board

By on February 1, 2019
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Anavi Technology has this month launched a new product via the Crowd Supply in the form of the ANAVI Thermometer, an ESP8266-powered, open source, wireless dev board equipped with temperature and humidity sensors, so it can act as a thermostat for home automation.

The Anavi Thermometer Development board is fully compatible with the Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, and Home Assistant via the MQTT messaging protocol.

“ANAVI Thermometer is an open source hardware, Wi-Fi development board for measuring temperature that’s powered by an ESP8266 processor. It comes with a built-in DHT22/AM2302 temperature and humidity sensor and has slots for a mini OLED display, waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensor, and empty slots for up to three additional I2C sensor modules. All these features make ANAVI Thermometer appropriate for developers, makers, students and open source enthusiasts interested in home automation.”

This development board is extremely easy to use since it does not require any soldering, nor breadboard and accompanying jumper cables mess.
All the necessary files and code are currently up on Anavi’s GitHub page for those who would rather build their own thermometer instead of purchasing one.

About Luca Ruggeri

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