Stick your PC to Television for less than $160

By on July 13, 2015
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The more we go into computing, programming and software dev, the more our room gets messy! That’s why we love the tiny computing solutions so much.

We have talked about Raspberry Pi & Co many times here on and today we are going to present the Intel version: The Compute Stick, available on Windows and Lunix versions.

The Windows version includes 2 GB memory, 32 GB of on-board storage and comes with McAfee® Antivirus Plus for comprehensive protection from Trojans, viruses, spyware and more. The Ubuntu version has 1 GB memory and 8 GB of on-board storage. Both devices come with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for connectivity, a USB port to connect peripherals and a micro SD card slot for additional storage.



You can find one for less than $160 easily online. If you still prefer the RaspberryPi version, stay tuned this week…

Source: Intel® Compute Stick

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