Raspberry Pi motorized Skateboard

By on March 25, 2017
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If you live in town and you are looking for an electric vehicle for commuting,  you could choose a hybrid car, an electric bike or why not… an electric skateboard that zooms around town at 30kmph (19mph)!

The brain is the £5 Raspberry Pi Zero, while your speed is controlled by a Nintendo Wii Remote over Bluetooth. There’s a motor from Alien Power Systems attached to the rear axle, plus a speed controller from the same company, and a battery offering a range of 10km.

It’s entirely an open-source project. The maker wrote just 100 lines of code, freely available on GitHub.

So you have only to find your old skateboard in to the loft and you can start to build the coolest electric vehicle ever made!

About Luca Ruggeri

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