Print a real size elephant with Z-Unlimited

By on March 17, 2015
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Ever dreamed of printing larger objects with your own Ultimaker 3D printer? This is the Z-Unlimited. With this amazingly simple add-on you convert your own trusty Ultimaker into a 3D printer with an unlimited extended print-area in height.

Check the project on Kickstarter, 123% funded already and one month to gather more pledges!

The Z-Unlimited basically flips your 3D printer upside down and moves it all the way up along a wall while it is printing. To convert your 3D printer to reach unlimited height will only take you 10 minutes. And this operation is just as easy to undo.

With the Z-Unlimited add-on your Ultimaker will be able to print really tall objects like large vases, wine bottles, life-sized (scanned) human sculptures or even an elephant!

via Z-Unlimited add-on for Ultimaker by rooie joris — Kickstarter.

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