Teach Your Kids the Basics of Programming With the Grove Junior Kit

By on November 26, 2018
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You can play Grove Junior out-of-box without any software programming. If you connect different inputs and outputs in the circuit, you can make a gadget quickly and easily, like a line following car or motor controller using sensors. You can also upgrade your gadgets to achieve more complicated functions by programming it with Grove Junior App or Codecraft.

Grove Junior is a platform of electronic modules that make STEAM learning simple, practical and enjoyable. From the easy snap-and-play with magnets, to the block-based programming, Grove Junior comes with intriguing and educational projects to help kids learn 21st century skills, foster creativity, and develop their critical thinking step by step.

With prices from just $29, the Grove Junior Bit Kit system offers the flexibility to build whatever children want, all without soldering. There are a variety of kits available that come with different sets of blocks, but all of them are interchangeable and will work together.

Grove Junior consists of over 25 modules, including a control board, a battery and various sensors and actuators to help you learn basic electronics while building fun creative projects. Each modules is fitted with a pair of specially designed magnetic adaptors that allow you to snap the modules together with the magnets.
All modules can be compatible with Lego using the Lego Base and the kit can also work with other hardware like micro:bit.

Kids can also use the Grove Junior App, a graphical programming app that allows kids to easily program Grove Junior on their tablets and phones with drag-and-drop blocks.

About Luca Ruggeri

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