• Solar powered WiFi weather station

    With this project we will see how to make a solar powered wireless weather station using an ESP32 WiFi module and some common weather sensors. The weather station is fully solar powered, so you don’t need to...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • See More Rays
    See More Rays

    Our project utilizes two sensors to determine how optimal a plant’s environment is. We will be gauging the moisture in the soil and access to sunlight to output a quantifiable rating of the environment. The output will...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Arduino UNO Mini-Weather Station
    Arduino UNO Mini-Weather Station

    This is the first generation of my Arduino based mini-weather station with Wi-Fi connection, which is able to post data publicly online using the ThingSpeak platform. The weather station collects the following data related to the weather...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Adafruit PyGamer: Open Source Handheld Gaming Device

    AdaFruit’s new PyGamer is a small and powerful entry-level console for DIY gaming and creative development. It allows you to run CircuitPython, MakeCore Arcade, or your own Arduino games. Also, there are tons of games already available...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Seeed’s Grove Base Kit for Raspberry Pi Now Available for $40

    The Seeed Studio Grove Base Kit for Raspberry Pi is a beginners kit for beginners to get started with the Raspberry Pi in a fun and easy way.  It has 10 Grove sensors instead of 12 on...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Sphero RVR Hackable Robot Tank Hits Kickstarter

    Sphero, a Colorado-based robotics company is out with a new DIY robotics platform. Called RVR, the robot looks a lot like an RC car, only it’s infinitely hackable and designed to entice coders of all levels to...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • TWIST: Open Source DIY Tweeting Weather Station

    Aptly named TWIST the open source environmental monitoring system is capable of sending tweets and collecting meteorological data thanks to its include gas, rain, light, temperature and humidity sensors. “Meet Tweeting Weather IoT Station aka TWIST –...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • OpenMinder: The Open Source Water Management Tool for Growers

    OpenMinder is an open-source DIY project from Autogrow targeted to technology developers and for application with small growers. Released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, OpenMinder provides an open-source API used in conjunction with a Raspberry Pi...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • EveLab 1.0: the “Circuit Trainer” for Your Raspberry Pi

    EveLab 1.0 is an advanced breakout board designed for the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO. It was initially born as a circuit trainer for the University of Guelph students to wire projects with the Pi, so it looks perfect...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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