OpenMinder: The Open Source Water Management Tool for Growers

By on September 13, 2018
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OpenMinder is an open-source DIY project from Autogrow targeted to technology developers and for application with small growers. Released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, OpenMinder provides an open-source API used in conjunction with a Raspberry Pi HAT.

OpenMinder™ is a product that you can build yourself, but more than that it represents where this industry is going with open-collaboration, APIs and a focus on water sustainability.

“Essentially we are giving away water management technology. There are very few people who understand how to design and build these technologies and, for someone motivated enough, we are providing the hardware schematics and source code to do it.”

“OpenMinder is the perfect product for an NGO or government to fund and manufacture for countries whose farmers need a subsidized or free, water run-off or irrigation monitoring system. And from an education perspective, there are high schools all around the U.S. and in other countries introducing classes on hydroponic systems. OpenMinder gives them a practical build they can do.” says Autogrow’s CEO Darryn Keiller.

Every aspect of your environment is under your control: light and humidity, air flow, air and root temperature, nutrient delivery, pH balance and EC – with Autogrow APIs every variable is under your direct control, so you can maximise growth and efficiency.

Please visit the official announcement page for further information.

About Luca Ruggeri

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