• DIY a Sigfox Open Source Breakout Board to Send Data to Azure IoT Hub

    Using a Raspberry Pi mini PC the project published to the Hackster.io website shows the process of creating the Internet of Things breakout board from scratch to soldering the Sigfox modem from Wisol then sending data to Azure...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • How to make earthquake alarm

      Let’s test the D7S by Omron, the world’s smallest seismic transducer, and create a seismograph capable of a sensitivity and an accuracy that are comparable to the ones found in professional tools.   Each day, thousands...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Lightning detector

      Is a storm on its way? Let’s find out using a circuit based on a sensor to detect electrical shock in the atmosphere capable of letting us know how near and how strong it is. Meteorological...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • EveLab 1.0: the “Circuit Trainer” for Your Raspberry Pi

    EveLab 1.0 is an advanced breakout board designed for the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO. It was initially born as a circuit trainer for the University of Guelph students to wire projects with the Pi, so it looks perfect...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Time of Flight technology: a Proximity laser sensor

      Based on Time of Flight technology, the module provides information to a microcontroller regarding distance detected in front of its optical sensor based on time-of-flight of a light impulse.   Contactless distance measurement, therefore employing electronics...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • OSEPP 101 Sensor Kit (Arduino Compatible & Production Ready) on Kickstarter

      Ever wanted to learn electronics but didn’t know where to start? Are you curious to create interactive projects with sensors found commonly around you (home, smartphones, office, car, etc)? Are you interested in creating your own...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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