DIY a Sigfox Open Source Breakout Board to Send Data to Azure IoT Hub

By on December 20, 2018
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Using a Raspberry Pi mini PC the project published to the website shows the process of creating the Internet of Things breakout board from scratch to soldering the Sigfox modem from Wisol then sending data to Azure IoT Hub.

The Breakout board is an open source PCB designed using the web software EasyEDA from JLCPCB. This board is not a shield or breadboard friendly, this just a PCB that make possible soldering the Wisol Sigfox modem WSSFM10R2AT.

The objective of this project is to assemble a PCB board that can use a Sigfox modem from Wisol company. Sigfox is an LPWAN (Low power wide area network) design for IoT solutions, many companies assembly modem to talk with this network, but the development kits are expensive. Because of that, we design an open source PCB to soldering the Wisol Sigfox modem, and we did an end-to-end to test if it was working correctly

All you need for this project is:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
  • Wisol Sigfox modem WSSFM10R2AT
  • PCB for Sigfox Wisol modem
  • Female/Female Jumper Wires

For more information about how to make communicate the PCB with Azure IoT Hub, you can visit project’s page. 

About Luca Ruggeri

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