Have a Good Night Amazon Echo!

By on January 14, 2017
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Are you worried  about security and privacy issues of your Amazon Echo?

Let see Shawn Hymel’s solution by creating and configuring a kill switch that is activated over IFTTT and a set of instructions to power-off the device.

First of all, you have to connect all the needed hardware components, based on the Particle Photon board.

Once you have uploaded the code on the Photon, you have to choose Say a specific phrase while you are creating a new IFTTT applet under Alexa. You can specify any phrase you want to tell Alexa to cut power to the Echo (for example “kill Switch”). Just remember that you’ll need to say “Alexa, trigger <your phrase>” to use IFTTT from Alexa.

Last but not least you have to create an Action on IFTTT to call the function killSwitch on Echo device and…that’s all!

When you say the magic phrase: “Alexa, trigger kill switch” (or whatever phrase you put into IFTTT), Alexa calls your IFTTT applet which sends a command to the Photon to disable power to the Echo.

Congratulation, you saved your privacy, now you are able to say anything you want without anyone listening to you! :)

About Luca Ruggeri

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