FAB10 Kicks off this week in Barcelona – the Center of the Making World

By on June 30, 2014
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In case you didn’t notice, Fab10 – the tenth international Fablabs conference – will kick off next week in Barcelona, recently dubbed as the Center of the Making World.

Well, our Editor Simone will be around and indeed he will speak together with Open Hardware legend Massimo Banzi and Roland Community instigator Giovanni Re on a awesome panel moderated by Benjamin Tincq of OuiShare.

Shake hands if you’re around!

Talk: Open Hardware

PANELTALK @ 18:00 – 19:00 SUN, 6 JUL

Massimo Banzi Arduino

Giovanni Re Roland

Simone Cicero OSV / OSH

Moderator: Benjamin Tincq OuiShare


And well, the rest of the program is awesome see: Fab Festival | FAB10 Barcelona.

See our previous coverage and conference director interview here.


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