• Woelab: bringing Africa on the train to the next Industrial Revolution

    Introduction I just wanted so badly to do this interview: when meeting the guys on the stage of Fab10, where they were prized as winners for their amazing approach at building 3d Printers – out of electronic...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • The FAB10 Documentary is finally available YouTube!

    A marvellous documentary which recaps on recent Fab10 conference and fair which happened earlier on in July in Barcelona. If you’re part of this movement this is something that you shouldn’t miss: The FAB10 Documentary – YouTube. in...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • The Fab Lab Life Cycle – Report of the FAB10 workshops

    An interesting Report on the Fab Lab lifecycle has been released. This report gives an highlight of what was discussed earlier on in July in Barcelona during Fab10 during one of an incredible number of workshops that were held at...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • FAB10 Barcelona releases all Videos

    All the videos from Fab10 Conference in Barcelona have been released! Few Staff Picks:   Massimo Banzi – Making Maker Communities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVrtx4_IkdI   Neil Gershenfeld – The State of Fab Labs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpoiJx5SDu8   Bruce Sterling – Smart...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • FAB10 Kicks off this week in Barcelona – the Center of the Making World

    In case you didn’t notice, Fab10 – the tenth international Fablabs conference – will kick off next week in Barcelona, recently dubbed as the Center of the Making World. Well, our Editor Simone will be around and...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Fabjam results plus an announcement: Fab10 will host a FabCar Project!

    During the preparation of this year FabJam, Luciano Betoldi, the FabCar coordinator from Barcelona, announced a great project: “In collaboration with HP, OpenSourceVehicle and 5 other FabLabs around the world (Garagem FabLab (SP. Brasil), FabLab San Diego, FabCafe...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • FabJam 2 is ready for you: Join and experiment with Mobility

    If you’re part of a makerspace or Fablab Communty, you should absolutely join FabJam2014: A single day event that brings together fabspaces (hackerspaces, fablabs, designlabs, makerspaces) from all around the world for a short, action-packed, creative workshop,...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Tomas Diez
    Global transitions, Fab Labs and Fab Cities: interview with Tomas Diez

    Incredibly enough, given the incredible amount of work he’s doing to prepare the next edition of the International Fablabs Conference, the FAB 10 that will happen soon in Barcelona, we had the chance to host this beautiful...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • FAB10 Barcelona Website Launched! Save the Date!

    Fab10 in Barcelona finally announced: the 10th edition of the global conference on Fablabs will stop by the Fab City this year and you can’t lose the opportunity to be there: Fab10 Barcelona is the tenth international...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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