FabJam 2 is ready for you: Join and experiment with Mobility

By on May 31, 2014
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If you’re part of a makerspace or Fablab Communty, you should absolutely join FabJam2014:

A single day event that brings together fabspaces (hackerspaces, fablabs, designlabs, makerspaces) from all around the world for a short, action-packed, creative workshop, or fabsprint. The idea is to raise the collaborative mindset, that has brought about hacker spaces and fablabs, to a new international scale. This is why the official launch of the  FabJam 2014 took place during the OUISHAREFEST, the major European event dedicated to the collaborative economy and the projects will be presented at during the 10th international conference of the FabLab network FAB10 in Barcelona as a part of the Global Fab Awards Exibition.

In doing so we hope to bring a new dimension to the world of “making”, of “making collaboratively”, and above all to the world of play.During this one-day event, people from around the world will come together and design, conceive, create projects, based on one common topic given.

This years FabJammers will be working on the topic of “mobility” but with a twist that will be revealed before the Jam.It’s a chance to come together with other makers, hackers, coders, tinkerers, crafters, and thinkers from all over the world who wish to participate because they  believe they can provide solutions to real-word problems but also to play. And inquire. And discover

FabJam is born from a rising awareness and interest in Peer Production and the Makers movement. In the face of a new industrial revolution, with manufacturing being democratized by digital fabrication tools, local production facilities and the sharing of open source hardware designs; it is also interesting to think of how we as people can create new modes of interaction around these tools. 

via FabJam – June 14th 2014.


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