Check out the OpenSource Homebrew Oil Testing Kit from Public Lab

By on October 14, 2014
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It’s a bit sad to see this awesome project for citizen science and pollution control likely not going to reach its target on kickstarter.

By the way, you can still try to help or in general get interested in this approach and maybe get in touch with the team:

The Kit

The Public Lab Oil Testing Kit is based around our open source spectrometer (successfully Kickstarted in 2012), and uses an ultraviolet (Blu-Ray) laser to cause a fluorescent glow in diluted pollutant samples. We measure and graph the colors emitted and attempt to match this “signature” to that of known samples of oil. (See “How does it work?” below.)

Since our 2012 Kickstarter, we’ve improved and simplified our spectrometer design, integrating hundreds of refinements from a community of thousands of members. The new kit, though extremely precise, is constructed from pre-scored cardboard to keep costs low, and integrates a sampling chamber and light source. It is simple to assemble and includes all the parts you’ll need to begin doing your own oil analyses. 

Learn more on the Public Lab Wiki »

via The Homebrew Oil Testing Kit by Public Lab — Kickstarter.

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