Another 3D Scanner looks for funds on Kickstarter: Robocular

By on December 8, 2013
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Unfortunately, this piece of work doesn’t seem open source. Well, said that, the scans on Sketchfab loo pretty good:


An affordable, high-resolution, full color and texture 3D Scanner that can automatically create 3D models of every day objects.

Bringing high quality 3D scanning to everyone

We created the Robocular 3D scanner for people who, like us, were not satisfied with the existing solutions available for 3D scanning. Today, you can either buy a high-quality, but very expensive machine for several thousands of dollars, or you can buy a low-cost scanner but with low-mid accuracy components. Many high-resolution scanners don’t even support color, let alone texture. In 2012, we decided to build a device that just worked, and had the precision of the very high end scanners, at the cost of a few hundred dollars and would be so simple it could be used by everyone. After ten different prototypes, we are now ready to share this scanner with you.

What is it?

Our product is a high quality 3D Scanner that just works. You open it, put an object in it then hit scan, and it will automatically create a 3D model of that object for you on your computer. It’s that simple. The model will be of high-resolution and in full color and texture. Here is a picture:

via Robocular – the 3D Scanner for everyone by Robocular LLC — Kickstarter.

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