TAP-HAT: Low-Cost Hardware Debugger for Raspberry Pi

By on April 7, 2019
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Tap-Hat is a multi-purpose JTAG debugger board for those developing software to run on Raspberry Pi: RTOSs, Linux and bare-metal code in particular.

The TAP-HAT has been designed to provide a straightforward fool-proof connection of external JTAG debuggers. Including popular hardware debuggers such as the Lauterbach TRACE32, Ronetix PEEDI, SEGGER J-Link and others.

TAP-HAT features include:

  • Low-cost multi-purpose JTAG debugger for Raspberry Pi boards
  • Optional add-on modules enable USB-connected debugging of Pi and/or UART debug output
  • Straightforward attachment of external JTAG debuggers to the Pi
  • Use with OpenOCD server running native on Pi to create a low-cost networked hardware debugger
  • Stackable reverse-HAT design allows concurrent connection of standard peripheral HATs
  • Redboot bootloader supports configuration of Pi JTAG pin map and high-speed serial debugging
  • Supports JTAG initiated system reset of Pi
  • Can be used for bare-metal applications, eCosPro RTOS applications, and other OSes such as Linux

Physically, it mates with the Raspberry Pi IO header, but extends away from the Pi (unlike a typical HAT which site over the Pi) to allow probing access to Pi components. Its stacking header allows further HATs to be connected over the Pi in the normal orientation.

Further information can be found on TAP-HAT product’s page.

About Luca Ruggeri

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