• LoRa Mesh Chat

      This is a fairly simple add-on for mobile phones to enable SMS-like messaging in a group when outside cell coverage, or in disaster scenarios. It utilises Semtech LoRa radios, for low-power/long-range communications. More info

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Make music with the help of an Arduino-powered hole puncher

      Are you interested in carillons? Would you like to play your own music on a carillon? Don’t wast your time in boring exeperiments with paper, squares and scissors, build your first Arduino-powered hole puncher!   More...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Programming the Pi Using Arduino Sketches

    Massimo Banzi, the co-founder of the Arduino Project, last week announced that if you know how to write programs to control hardware using Arduino boards you can now use the same language to control hardware attached to...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Limitless Automation with PLCnext Control

    PLCnext Control is Phoenix Contact’s first open control platform product based on PLCnext technology. As an enhancement to classical IEC 61131-compliant PLC programming, PLCnext Technology makes it possible to program controllers using high-level language, thus ensuring PLC-typical...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Pip: Invent, Tinker and Make With Real Code and Hardware!

    A new Kickstarter project called Pip appears to be an interesting “game” for every child hacker. It has that familiar Switch form factor, with a touchscreen in the middle and detachable controllers on the sides, but inside...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Rolling Material Monitoring based on the Simatic IOT2020

    This project recently won the Hackster community design contest based on the SIMATIC IOT2020 industrial IoT gateway. The contest was aimed at engineers, makers and students and challenged them to come up with innovative applications and solutions based...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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