- How to Adjust X and Y Axis Scale in Arduino Serial Plotter (No Extra Software Needed)Posted 1 week ago
- Elettronici Entusiasti: Inspiring Makers at Maker Faire Rome 2024Posted 1 week ago
- makeITcircular 2024 content launched – Part of Maker Faire Rome 2024Posted 3 months ago
- Application For Maker Faire Rome 2024: Deadline June 20thPosted 4 months ago
- Building a 3D Digital Clock with ArduinoPosted 9 months ago
- Creating a controller for Minecraft with realistic body movements using ArduinoPosted 10 months ago
- Snowflake with ArduinoPosted 10 months ago
- Holographic Christmas TreePosted 10 months ago
- Segstick: Build Your Own Self-Balancing Vehicle in Just 2 Days with ArduinoPosted 11 months ago
- ZSWatch: An Open-Source Smartwatch Project Based on the Zephyr Operating SystemPosted 11 months ago
Augmented Reality Aids in the Fight Against Covid-19
“Know your enemy” is the essence of one of the most famous quotes from ’s Art of War, and it’s as true now as it was 2,500 years ago. It also applies far beyond the martial...
- Posted 4 years ago
Atmos XR WebVR-capable Headset: 3D Printable, Modular and Open Source
Hardware and software makers behind the Atmos headset want to provide improved accessibility with an open ecosystem, and they aims to do it with a WebVR-capable headset design that is self-contained, 3D-printable, and open-sourced. Their immediate goal...
- Posted 5 years ago
Bose Unveiled a 3d Printed Prototype of Augmented Reality Sunglasses
High-end audio equipment company Bose is developing augmented reality (AR) sunglasses. The company has demonstrated a 3D printed prototype that can provide audio information about local points of interest, and expects to launch the Bose AR product...
- Posted 7 years ago
Aryzon Aims To Be The Google Cardboard Of Augmented Reality (AR)
Google Cardboard created a landslide in virtual reality (VR). A cheap, accessible way to experience an entry-level version of the technology that lead to wide-spread awareness. Back in May 2017, Aryzon launched Kickstarter campaign with plans to do the...
- Posted 7 years ago
HTC, Valve Open Source Vive VR’s Tracking System For Third-Party Hardware
Similar to the open source Steam controller, Valve, along with partner HTC, is opening up the room-scale 3D tracking system of the Vive VR headset, which is a move that further brightens the future of the burgeoning...
- Posted 8 years ago
Virtual Reality App from 219 Design Simplifies the Programming of Robots
While robots may make complicated tasks look easy, programming a robot is anything but – particularly when you’re talking about large, complex industrial robots whirring away in factories. But with a new app developed by product engineering...
- Posted 8 years ago
Intel’s Project Alloy will offer the first open-source, third-party ‘HoloLens’ headset
Microsoft said last fall that it would allow third-party hardware makers to build their own HoloLens devices. The first, perhaps not surprisingly, will be made by Intel: Project Alloy. Alloy will be a wire-free,head-mounted VR device, complete...
- Posted 8 years ago
Virtual reality could help fight depression
A study by University College London (UCL) and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) suggests virtual reality could be utilized as a treatment for depression in the future. The pilot study worked with 15...
- Posted 8 years ago
Autodesk launches ReMake: digitize the real world
ReMake converts a sequence of photos or scan data into high resolution 3D meshes and provides a smart toolset to clean, repair, and optimize the mesh for design and engineering workflows, digital archiving, interactive AR/VR experiences, and...
- Posted 8 years ago
Siemens, Local Motors partner for large scale 3D printed car development
The automotive industry, after VW DieselGate, Tesla, OSVehicles and this initiative as well, is living a real revolution. The industry 4.0 principles are the pivot point of many innovations in this area, too traditional for so long...
- Posted 8 years ago
Oculus Rift release date, features and price: pre-orders now open and final price revealed
The Rift headset isn’t cheap, though, setting back would-be pre-orderers a tasty $599 (~£410). That doesn’t include US tax, nor shipping – which will be considerable for global orders. However, for that money you bag yourself the...
- Posted 9 years ago
Google Glass 2 may ditch the display
Google Glass is still alive and well behind the closed doors of Google X. The latest news seems to be that one of Google’s Glass 2 variants ditches the display entirely, in favour of going audio-only for...
- Posted 9 years ago
How “open” is the future of PC virtual reality?
A popular reddit thread over the weekend has brought to the surface a long-roiling, behind-the-scenes debate about the future of the nascent virtual reality revival. The questions being debated get into what exactly it means for a...
- Posted 9 years ago
Phree – Make the world your paper. More than $500K funded on Kickstater and 30 days to go!
This is not an open source project, but it’s definitely catching. At 31 days still to go before the end of funding period, this startup already got $500K on the $100K requested. 5X and one month to...
- Posted 9 years ago