Make in Italy launches Maker Contest

By on April 28, 2014
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A very interesting opportunity for European and Worldwide makers. Italian Foundation Make in Italy launched a contest with mentorship program:

Make in Italy association, in collaboration with amdLP and ISHEO, launches the first Maker Contest to source unrivalled “Health and Quantified Self” hardware ideas. The aim of the contest is to extract innovative ideas focusing on healthcare and wellness products.  Ideas considered are those that improve quality of life, extend health assurance (also in developing countries), focus on disease prevention, involve remote monitoring …

Successful Applicants 

Make in Italy will contact the successful applicants. These applicants will then participate in a mentorship period sponsored by amdLP to prepare for the final contest. Members of amdLP are individuals with finance, business and entrepreneurial experience in top tier international firms as well as first-hand experience in business angel investments. They will actively work on the structured mentorship program to help the selected applicants assess the financial viability of the product, assist with business packaging the project and equip the teams with the tools to stand in front of an audience of investors to present their business opportunity

via Maker Contest | Make in Italy.



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