Learn to Grow Anything with OpenFarm

By on September 4, 2014
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Do you remember Farmbot? We had the chance to interview Rory Landon Aronson few months ago while he was launching Farmbot, his amazing project for computer controlled agriculture.

Well, now Rory launched OpenFarm, an open database of plant growing techniches and got overy funded on kickstarter.

There’s a evident link between OpenFarm and FarmBot, from Farmbot Blog:

OpenFarm came out of the need for FarmBot to access structured, detailed data for how to grow a plant in a specific environment with specific growing practices.

You still have time to support OpenFarm on kickstarter!

The Problem

When searching for plant growing advice, it is common to run into the following situations:

Advice is overly generic

Advice is not structured, written, nor formatted well

Advice is very specific, but not relevant to you or your garden

There is no way to discuss or contribute new advice

The OpenFarm Solution

OpenFarm is a free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge. Similar to Wikipedia, the data is free for everyone to access and anyone can contribute content. Because people grow plants differently based on environmental conditions and growing practices, OpenFarm provides a framework for everyone to share their story, and for learners to find the best, most relevant content.

OpenFarm Growing Guides are structured stories for growing a specific plant with particular practices and environmental conditions. Below, is a mockup example of Nancy’s Guide for growing Heirloom Tomatoes with organic practices, in a greenhouse. Below the image are descriptions for each of the sections of the guide.

via OpenFarm: Learn to Grow Anything by Rory Landon Aronson — Kickstarter.

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