La Paillasse: looking for your help to create the biggest Bio-Hacking lab in Europe

By on June 19, 2014
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La Paillasse, probably the the most important european project for open bio-hacking, is now raising funds on kisskissbankbank.

Among other things, the guys are working on opensource bio-reactors, and opening an 800 squared meters space in Paris.


La Paillasse is a non-profit organization that offers to learn and experiment open-science biology in a fully equipped laboratory in the heart of Paris!

We are reinventing together the concept of laboratory, to make science and technology more open-source, shareable and available to everyone. 

Using interdisciplinary exchange, La Paillasse gives the legal and ethical framework needed for collaborative implementation of open-source projects in biotechnology.

In order to offer this unique space of experimentation where designers, scientists, artists, makers, entrepreneurs, engineers and citizens can freely invent the Future, we now need your support to contribute to this unique adventure.

via Toute l’equipe de La Paillasse presents La Paillasse — KissKissBankBank.


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