IBM donates machine learning tech to Apache Spark open source community- The Inquirer

By on June 28, 2015
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IBM HAS DONATED a major piece of software to the open source community.IBM System ML, the machine learning platform developed at the company’s facility in Almaden, is to be contributed to Apache Spark.

System ML is designed to make it easier to express system learning algorithms more quickly and simply.

Apache Spark began life as a research project at University College Berkeley in 2009 and has gone on to be the fastest growing open source project in history.

By integrating IBM System ML to Apache Spark, with Spark acting as a “Tower of Babel” to other independently created systems, analysts will be able to get a more purposeful 360-degree set of data and emerging patterns from multiple sets of raw data.

IBM will be offering Spark as a service as part of its hugely successful fledgling IBM Bluemix open cloud technology, meaning that any app developer will be able to quickly access and harness the System ML tech.

Source: IBM donates machine learning tech to Apache Spark open source community

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