Hybrid Play helps embed Kid playgrounds videogames

By on September 13, 2014
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A cool project we recently received through our submit news channel; as founders say: “Ours is an open project (open software & open hardware) that will be freely available to everyone willing to try Hybrid Play in full DIY mode. Hybrid Play relies mainly on the community, and although we’ve already considered many ways to fund the production of the Hybrid Play sensors (both the application and games are totally free) it’s finally going to be through a crowdfunding campaign which will start in a near future.”

What’s Hybrid Play?

A motion controller device that registers the activity of children in the playground, and converts the movement into data used in video games which are reproduced in a smartphone or tablet.

How does it work?

It’s a set of sensors mounted on an custom Arduino board, with a series of add-ons, gyroscopes, accelerometers and a clip designed to easily grip to any surface between 2 and 4 cms wide (0,2-1,8 in). The sensors register the children’s activity, and the data is sent to a smartphone app via bluetooth.

via Hybrid Play | Transforming kids playgrounds into a videogame!.

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