Arduino Game Controller

By on January 27, 2022
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A game controller is a device used to give inputs in a video game to make the character or object move. The design and functionality of a game controller are easy and will definitely give you an amazing experience of gaming, And it will be more involving when you’ll know the process to make it, the material requirements, and other related things. The configuration is based on the type of game you want to play and the mechanism is USB based is similar to PS1’s game controller.

The process of making the core setup is quite easy, just the availability of items is important. The list of components required to make the game controller are as follows

Material required

Hardware Required:-

  • Arduino mini
  • Push Buttons (tick tack switches)
  • Custom PCB (button matrix PDF is attached)
  • 10K Resistors
  • Jumper wires

Software Required:-

  • Arduino IDE

  • Autodesk 360

More info 

About Emanuele Signoretta

Studying electronics and communication engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Electronics, IT and Open Source enthusiast.

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