Footage from first Google’s Ara modular smartphone working prototype

By on October 30, 2014
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I recall I saw this video at the Open Hardware Summit in Rome – Gawin Dapper, CTO of Phonebloks shown it.

It’s pretty impressing to see how the guys from Project Ara / Phonebloks just went from an “impossible” project to a working prototype in 2 years.

Nothing is impossible!

In the video, one of the engineering firm’s seven employees says the team has been working on mechanical improvements to get the connectors to fit more reliably. In this prototype, dubbed Spiral 1, approximately 50 percent of the space on the module is taken up for modularity, meaning there isn’t much room to create particularly powerful parts.

Spiral 2, this prototype’s successor, is already in the works, with Toshiba building custom chips to minimize the footprint. “Most of the area should be available” for developers in Spiral 2, the NK Labs engineer promises in the clip.

via Watch the first prototype of Google’s Ara modular smartphone project in action | VentureBeat | News Briefs | by Emil Protalinski.

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