Fab 11 best video contributions and a Fab12 2016 teaser!

By on October 12, 2015
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International Fab Lab Network members from more than 450 labs in 55 countries gathered last August 2015 in the birthplace of the Fab Lab concept. We come together this year to explore how the ability to “Make (almost) Anything” is impacting individuals, communities, businesses and collaborative research and projects from Detroit to Togo, Barcelona to Shanghai and everywhere in between.

At Fab11, members will share technical expertise, best practices, and the powerful stories behind Neil Gershenfeld, Director of MIT Center for Bits and Atoms and father of the FabLab movement.

Here are the top three video contributions released after the conference:

First: Making Robots


+ Russ Tedrake – Director, Center for Robotics, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
+ Sangbae Kim – MIT Biomimetic Robotics Lab
+ Mick Mountz – Founder, Kiva Systems
+ Gill Pratt – Program Manager, DARPA Robotics Challenge, DARPA Defense Sciences
+ Marc Raibert – Founder, Boston Dynamics
+ Radhika Nagpal – Self-organizing Systems Research and Robotics Group, Harvard University

Mon – Conversations: Making Robots from Fab 11 on Vimeo.

Second: Making Life


+ Robert Winthrop – Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
+ Peng Yin – Molecular Systems Lab, Harvard Medical School
+ Joseph Jacobson – Molecular Machines Group, MIT; Co-founder, Gen9
+ Pamela A. Silver Ph.D.- Professor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School

Wed-Conversations: Making Life from Fab 11 on Vimeo.

Third: Design and Business

Fab 11 Symposium – Design & Business from Fab 11 on Vimeo.


Let’s see in 2016 at the Fab12 2016 event in Shenzen!

FAB 12 Handoff from Fab 11 on Vimeo.
On the Fab11 official website, you can watch all the sessions’ videos published.

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