Are you coming to Open Hardware Summit in Rome? That’s why you should!

By on August 8, 2014
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As you may have noticed, there’s been some progress in the organization of the Open Hardware Summit 2014 that I’m co-chairing,

This years OHSummit will be about the transition “From Open Making to Open Manufacturing”. Our focus is to broaden the definition of what open hardware means: production models are shifting from one to one, to one to many structure. The way we think about our tools, transforms the electronics, houses, furniture- anything and everything we depend on.  How we live and relate depends on it.

Stay tuned and register!

The 2014 Open Hardware Summit is, for the first time ever, a two day event featuring speakers, keynotes, and workshops centred on the topic of the Open Source movement! This is the fifth year of the Summit and the first time it will be held outside the USA. What does that mean for attendees? You have the chance to come to Rome and attend multiple awesome events in the span of a few days,  from 28 September to 5 October for lnnovation Week!

Open Hardware Summit is part of Innovation Week Rome:

9/30 – DAY 1  – Open Hardware Summit Schedule has been recently confirmed and it features several incredible speakers such as Adrian Bowyer (father of RepRap), Tomas Diez (Fab Lab Barcelona Director), Yasmin Elayat (GOOD fellow), Becky Stern (Director of Wearable Electronics, Adafruit Industries), Eric Pan (Founder, Seeed Studio, Forbes China’s 30 under 30), David Lang(OpenROV Founder, Author of Zero to Maker), Gawin Dapper (CTO, Phonebooks), Nick Ierodiaconou (Co-Founder Open Desk), Phoenix Perry (Founder, Code Liberation) and many more.

10/1 – DAY 2  – Thanks to community feedback, for the first time in addition to the first day of speakers, the Summit will have a second day which will work around the themes of workshops and co-creative-sessions.

via What’s happening in Rome..

Registrations are also open at:


About Simone Cicero

Simone Cicero is a blogger (at, strategist & speaker. Simone is also a long time Open Source advocate and Open Source Electronics editor. Follow him on twitter at @meedabyte

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