Arduino-Powered Water Pollution Monitoring System

By on December 9, 2017
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Water is essential to life on earth, and making sure our rivers and lakes are free from pollution is therefore quite important. For environmental monitoring, students from Bergen County Academics Magnet High School have come up with the Intelli-Buoy system that can track water turbidity, pH, oxygen, and temperature levels for analysis. It can also keep tabs on wind speed and rain stats for possible correlation.

The floating device uses a pair of Arduino Unos with an SD card shield mounted on each in order to record these statistics over several days, and it’s designed with two external USB ports for easy access.

The code supports the following sensors: Turbidity, Ph, Oxygen, Temperature and a weather station vein.

Arduino pin configuration :

Controller #1

  1. Temperature = Pin 7
  2. pH= Pin A0
  3. Disolved Oxygen = Pin 1 & 2
  4. LED =Pin 13

Controller #2

  1. Turbidity= Pi A5
  2. Weather Vein : Wind speed = Pin 3 RAIN collection = Pin 2
  3. LED= Pin13

For further information visit the Intelli-Buoy Instructable page or watch the video below.

About Luca Ruggeri

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