Welcome to the 2013 GoFundMe Makeathon

By on January 31, 2013
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GoFundMe and Make announced a competition for Makers. The funding project grants that will be given to the winners are quite interesting so we really encourage you to give a try to one of your amazing ideas (ideally some that you created with our products).

Sometimes, becoming entrepreneurs and inventors goes through small things like this: having some funds to work on your prototypes, coupled with the visibility that this contest could guive you may make the differnece between an amateur tinkerer and a commercial inventor ;)

Why not?

“Today we’re announcing a $10,000 Makeathon Competition for the ‘Best Maker Project’ on GoFundMe. Our Community will vote for their favorite project starting on March 19th and the winners will be announced on March 21, 2013. The GoFundMe Maker project with the most votes will receive $5,000 in project funding directly from GoFundMe. Second place will receive $3,500 and third place will receive $1,500. GoFundMe is empowering Makers to turn their passion into profit. Never before has it been easier to share your project with the world and generate money for your idea. At GoFundMe, we realize that evolving your idea doesn’t have to mean launching a huge business. GoFundMe’s crowdfunding options are perfect for all stages of any project.”

via Welcome to the 2013 GoFundMe Makeathon.

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