Updates from the 3Drag 3dprinting contest: Fa)(a from Giacomo Falaschi

By on October 9, 2014
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magnetic levitation 3d printer


Giacomo Falaschi sent us his Falla3D new printer project: you can have more details on the project by looking to this interview here.

Fa)(a is a fully modular and scalable printer, able to print with any material (FDM technology) and entirely customizable in every single aspect and component.

Here are some figures:

Resolution: X-Y axis positioning 15 micron, Z-axis positioning 5 micron. Accurate printing up to 50 micron

Speed: silent and fast printing, up to 200 mm/s

Material: capable of printing with PLA, ABS, Nylon, HIPS, PVA

Wireless printing enabled

The main and unusual technology hidden on this printer is MagLev tech! The X and Y-axis supporting profiles hide a Neodymium magnet each, thus strongly reducing the friction between printing support and guides. So, the printer is faster and quieter than its competitors and also the stepping motors, facing a lower friction, can grant a better acceleration (and better controlled too) that means better resolution. Finally yet importantly, the wearing out of nylon guide rails is nearly defeated.

More info at www.falla3d.com and a video here.

You can still provide your submission to our 3D Contest!

About Luca Ruggeri

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