• Check if the fruit is ripe with Arduino!

    In this project we see how to build a device that detects maturation stages based on color with a neural network model. As fruits and vegetables ripen, they change color due to the four families of pigments:...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • MixPose

      With MixPose, yoga and fitness professionals can teach classes via streaming platform, which would generate income for them. It is for the benefit and well beings for all the viewers. It also enables many places like...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Autonomous AI Assessment & Communications Platform

      Command centers need to know where their people are and where danger exists and may be approaching them. This system tracks fire boundaries & fire hotspots and firefighters or other persons on-the-ground and relays this data...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • AI-based remote Temperature Inspection

      This AI-based remote Temperature Inspection is made by one of our customers and Seeed together. This system is perfect for populated locations where rapid temperature inspection is needed, especially in the situation of containing the COVID-19...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Raspberry Pi 3 Based Neural Network Music box

    Raspberry Pi enthusiast Aleksey Tikhonov has published details of his new Raspberry Pi project to create a Neural Network RaspberryPi Music box. All the experience gained in Aleksey’s past projects, a Raspberry pi 3 and Leadsound’s speaker have...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Oracle Open Sourced Graphpipe to Improve the Deployment of Machine Learning Models

    Oracle open-sourced Graphpipe, a tool created to make it easy to serve machine learning models in the cloud made by popular frameworks like TensorFlow, MXNet, Caffe2, and PyTorch. GraphPipe is designed to solve three particular challenges: First,...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Google AIY Vision Kit: turn your Rpi into an image-recognition device

    Google has launched the AIY (AI yourself) Vision Kit that lets you turn Raspberry Pi equipment into an image-recognition device. The vision kit is powered by Google’s TensorFlow machine-learning models and will soon gain an accompanying Android...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Pensar: Real-Time Video Processing for Drones

    The introduced computer vision platform with deep-learning capabilities is a stand-alone twin sensor platform. It utilizes the GPU-accelerated computing power of the Nvidia’s Jetson module to allow for real-time video processing and immediate augmented insights. Nvidia’s Jetpack software...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Open source weekly news

    An overview on most important open source news from OpenSource.com. This week the focus was on: machine learning: Google, Microsoft, H2O.ai are pushing further their solution to go open open source medical robots: Vanderbilt university is going...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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