• Adapting Open Source Ecology LifeTrac tractor …for Mars!

    Looks like these guys from Arizona State University are trying to adapt OSE Lifetrac  – Open Source Tractor (see video below) for using it as a Mars rover: “our goal is to adapt and expand the Lifetrac amazing project to...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Isn’t it time for Fair Trade Electronics?

    Perhaps because of resources crisis that we live, finally, a growing awareness about the materials is rising.    In my opinion, there are three kinds of considerations we can do when talking about fair trade and, in...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • OSE Design Sprint – Open Source Ecology

    Open Source Ecology is launching the 6 in 60 Campaign: Building out 6 of our open source Global Village Construction Set machines in 60 days. And we’re inviting you to participate. OSE Design Sprint – Open Source...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • First Open Source Ecology Annual Report

    We have been busy developing machines and optimizing their production. My favorite highlight is that we have reached a single day production time – for our automated Compressed Earth Brick (CEB) Press. Now we aim to reach...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Open and DIY vs bureaucracies and certifications: obstacles and warranties

      The pleasure and passion to start a new project from an almost casual intuition, to create a new prototype, and then make it better and eventually available on the market does not always comply with the...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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