• Obsidian ESP32 Board in a Raspberry Pi Form Factor

    A new open source Espressif ESP32-based board offering a form factor similar to popular single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi Model A / 3 Model A+  has been launched via the Crowd Supply website this month and...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • WiPhone: the VoIP Mobile Phone for Hackers and Makers

    Wiphone is a VoIP phone based on ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth SoC and it is designed to be easily disassembled and modified both at the hardware and software level. WiPhone launched on Kickstarter a little while ago, easily...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • MicroPython Unveiled the Pyboard D-series for Robotics

    MicroPython has launched its new series of electronic circuit boards – Pyboard D Board. These boards run on MicroPython which is a stripped down version of Python 3 that is meant for microcontrollers. The stand-out feature of...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • OpenMV Cam H7: the Open Source MicroPython Powered Machine Vision Camera

    The New OpenMV Cam H7 is an upgrade of the previous OpenMV Cam M7, replacing the STMicro STM32F7 micro-controller by a more powerful STM32H7 MCU clocked at up to 400 MHz and introducing removable camera modules for thermal...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • BBC micro:bit

      The latest initiative by BBC to teach anyone how to code, from 0 to 99-year-olds… and beyond.   BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) created the tiniest microcomputer that they will offer free of charge to every English...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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