• 2.7M Medical Calls Breached in Sweden, and It’s Pure Comedy

    On Monday, news outlet Computer Sweden broke the news that millions of calls to a national Swedish health care adviser were openly available on the internet. Here is a summary in English. In short, they were recording...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Zendar (YC S17) Is Hiring Computer Vision Engineer in Berkeley

    At Zendar, we are working on a high-resolution imaging radar system that allows self driving cars to see through fog, rain and snow. We are a team of electrical engineers, mechanical engineers and researchers developing the next...

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  • Hive (YC S14) is changing the way Ecommerce brands send email – Join us!

    Excited to announce that Hive.co is hiring! If you didn ’t already know, we ’re a small team of 6 and we recently moved into a new office right in the heart of Downtown Kitchener. If you...

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  • Deep learning may need a new programming language

    Deep learning may need a new programming language that ’s more flexible and easier to work with than Python, Facebook AI Research director Yann LeCun said today. It ’s not yet clear if such a language is...

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  • Bookworm: A Simple, Focused EBook Reader

    1. Toggle between a grid view and a list view for the library. Editing the book metadata is possible in both views however the list view allows sorting of metadata. Filtering is possible using the search bar...

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  • Zeplin (YC S15) Is Hiring a Customer Support Engineer

    We care deeply about how we interact with our users, all the way from our onboarding process to sales. Big hugs to our community, as they’re the key factor to Zeplin’s growth! We always try to keep...

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  • A Hello World app in React 2.1.5 has 1,568 dependencies spanning 1.1M LOC

    When I write tweets like this, some read it as “Gary hates JS”. I like React and prefer it to all alternatives including HTML. I like and use TypeScript. Etc. That doesn’t require me to think that...

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  • What It’s Like to Be a Black Mathematician

    BALTIMORE — It was not an overt incident of racism that prompted Edray Goins, an African-American mathematician in the prime of his career, to abandon his tenured position on the faculty of a major research university last...

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  • When Kodak Accidentally Discovered A-Bomb Testing (2016)

    The ground shook, a brilliant white flash enveloped the sky, and the world changed forever. Code name “Trinity,” the bomb test at dawn on July 16, 1945 in Alamogordo, New Mexicowas the first large-scale atomic weapons testing...

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  • About $250K is needed for a company get to sustainability

    The harsh economics of startup are often easily overlooked. So let’s talk about what it really costs an entrepreneur to get a startup off the ground. Now, I know what the first response to that is going...

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  • Ken Nordine, Chicago creator of ‘word jazz’, dies at 98

    Ken Nordine looking at the computer screen inside the third-floor studio inside his North Side home in 2012. Ken Nordine looking at the computer screen inside the third-floor studio inside his North Side home in 2012. (John...

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  • The Last Resort

    Soon after Kate Colgan’s mother, Janet, awoke from surgery in a hospital near Manchester, U.K., last summer, she made a simple request of her daughter: “Get me to Germany.” So Kate, then 25, fitted the family sedan...

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  • When is a random cache eviction policy better than LRU?

    Caches: LRU v. random Once upon a time, my computer architecture professormentioned that using a random eviction policy for caches really isn’t so bad. That random eviction isn’t bad can be surprising — if your cache fills...

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  • Networks of major Australian political parties affected by cyber attack

    Show The Great Barrier Reef marine park authority has been telling Senate estimates about the impact of the Queensland floods on the Great Barrier Reef. “There is likely to be a time lag of weeks to many...

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  • Streak (YC S11) Is Looking for Engineers in Vancouver, BC

    This is our first time opening a separate engineering office and we understand that it will take time and resources to make successful. Being in the same timezone and a short flight away makes collaboration a lot...

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  • EU cross-border payments outside Eurozone: MEPs scrap excessive fees

    Banks should charge equally for cross-border payments in euro and domestic payments and make currency conversion costs transparent, say new rules. On Thursday, the plenary adopted by 532 votes in favour, 22 against and 55 abstentions, …...

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  • You probably don’t need a single-page app

    The meteoric rise of front-end frameworks like React, Angular, Vue.js, Elm, etc. has made single-page applications ubiquitous on the web. For many developers, these have become part of their ‘default’ toolset. When they start a new project,...

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  • AAAS: Machine learning ‘causing science crisis’

    Machine-learning techniques used by thousands of scientists to analyse data are producing results that are misleading and often completely wrong. Dr Genevera Allen from Rice University in Houston said that the increased use of such systems was...

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