• Continuum – Slow Motion LED Art Display

    Continuum is a light art display that is continuously in motion, with options to move quickly, slowly, or incredibly slow. The RGB LEDs in the display are updated 240 times per second, with unique colors calculated each...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Peeqo Is the World’s First Robot To Interact Through GIFs

    Programmer and maker Abhishek Singh  is currently running a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for Peeqo, the robot that responds in videos and GIFs. He launched the campaign for Peeqo February 12 after a pair of Reddit posts (here and here) detailing the...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • How to Reinvent a 3D Printed Polaroid Camera

    Have you ever wanted to print an animated image? Now Abhishek Singh made it (almost) possible. Inspired by the Polaroid OneStep camera (the SX-70, specifically), Abhishek’s version is called an Instagif and looks almost exactly the same, but...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • OTTO a Hackable GIF Camera

    Well, you know this is not opensource at all (it’s also RaspberryPI powered, so also not really open source at heart) but it’s too beautiful and deserves a share! OTTO’s hardware is similarly built to be modified and...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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