• DIY Laser-Spiked Jacket, Ready to Dance!

    Inspired by Yoshii Kazuya’s laser-spiked outfit, github user abetusk decided to create an excellent version of the getup by embedding 128 laser diodes in his own jacket. These lasers are powered by an Arduino Nano, along with...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • DIY Portable Soldering Iron v2.0

    Just few weeks ago, the maker Electronoobs announced the Homemade Soldering Iron v1.0, but unfortunately it encountered many problems from the beginning: the design was held back by the quality of the $5 replacement soldering iron tips he designed...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Arduino Yun Rev 2 Now Available!

    Arduino has launched the Arduino Yun Rev 2, a rev of the original OpenWrt-driven Arduino board with enhanced LAN, USB, security, and power supply features. The Arduino Yun 2 is equipped with the same MIPS-based, 400MHz Atheros...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Arduino Powered Aircraft Tug

    Dear maker Anthony DiPilato, that is forward thinking! “It’s just used for pulling the plane out of the hangar and putting back in. It’s stored in the hangar. There are some tugs small enough to put in...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • How To Manipulate Time with This Magic Arduino Led Glove

    Probably time manipulation is an attractive target for everyone. This project certainly makes it appear that way. YouTuber MadGyver’s glove uses a gigantic LED controlled by an Arduino Nano to allow objects such as a fan, water falling from a shower,...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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