South Korea to bet hard on 3-D printers for Innovation

By on April 26, 2014
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After setting the bar on Sharing Economy, the Korean government also wants to be the best in nurturing SME innovation thanks to 3D printing:

The government yesterday announced its plan to nurture the local 3-D printing industry and has will supply printers for small and midsize companies to use for free.

For its project, the Industry Ministry will spend 2.4 billion won ($2.3 million) this year to set up centers with printers, most of which will be imported, that can be used by the companies, and it will teach employees how to operate them.

Starting next year, the ministry will lend 3-D printers to individual businesspeople and small companies for free.

via 3-D printers get support from gov’t-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily.

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